Monday 26 November 2012


Fuhhhh..lega sudaa..nk tw knp???coz graduation day bdk-bdk smart reader da selesai..enjoy gler tapi we all really2 tired..tapi aku mmg happy sgt bleh rasa cm mana handle majlis besar cm nie..nie experiance baru yang aku dpt kt smart reader..macam-macam ragam bdk-bdk bleh tgk masa graduation ari tuu..dgn teachernye kelam kabut..lari sana sini..nk guard budak-budak lagi..tapi berkat teamwork korg dpt handle sume..everything oke..oke lupe nk mention korg punyer tema is Arabian sume mesi pakai koustium ala-ala arab atau ala0ala Aladdin..6 years old studen sume wajib pakai koustium arab coz dorg ad fashion cute all of them..

lets see da picture that i'm snap..but not too muchh..

6years old girls get ready for their performance, Day By cute..alya and hanis

Adam al-hafiz is waiting their turn for next performance is Nasyid..hee..their face is like korean look and he is very good student..i really like him..

This is Adib Rizki 5years old boy..that performance for nasyid..he is already tired actually..coz all of them did't eat from morning..

ok that one is Dayyan Asyraf also waiting for nasyid performance..look at their face so tired actually..hee

 performance from 3 n 4 years old..doraemon cute all of them..i like..hehe

She is a princess for this year..her name is Nabila cute..but picture of da prince i don't have larhh

 this is Nurameera Balqis..she also beautiful..

korg sempat snap pic lm fitting room jw..xsempat nk ambek kt dlm dwn..actually ad pi masa dlm dewan tapi ad gn principal xcopy ag..hee..nie kak pening lm konsert nie tw..bub-bub dancing bagi jw kt dye..lepas konsert erus jw demam..ape x nye tido lwt sgt..btw gud job...

perasan x????? korg kai baju same kot kaler jw laen..kelakar la..sume hampir sama..tapi ketinggian mmg beza la kan...heehee..opsss jgn mrah ye cik Ella..nie ellla kwn aku dr skul rndah skg keje kt tempat ala-ala arab x korg???ke ala-ala india??konpius aku..hee

we ar teachers of smart reader kids kerteh..very tired but happy coz every thing was done..i'm enjoy for today and happy work with all of u.. 

''next year we try da best again''

Friday 2 November 2012

Berhabuk sudaa blog..


ouhhh berhabuk sudaa blog aku.. rindu bangat..haha..lama gler kott x update..lbih kurang 3 bulan dh..besa laa buzy memanjang..nie baru terasa nk lap-lap habuk kt cni..selama nie lap-lap habuk kt umah jee..btw Raya Aidiladha bru je lepas..sume nye berjalan lancar even x semeriah Raya Aidilfitri..oke skg nie aku kerja kt Smart Reader Kids kt Kertehh..mmg totally difff from field aku..nk bwt cmne skg susah nk dap kerja..masa first kerja mmg susa nk sesuaikan diri..tapi dh lame beshh plak layan budak-budak nie..bleh release tension..p kdg2 naik gk darah aku..p sabar je la...jom skodeng2 picture aku ehh

Wan Ammar Harith nie favourite student aku..hensom kan..hehe

This is Adam hensom..he look like korean actually..he also very clever boy..he is 5 years old student..


Gratisan Musik