Friday 17 April 2015

Don't killing me

Hari nie iolls bangun awal gara-gara dia la nie..tido xlena pikir kan dia..tiba-tiba palk rasa nak update pasal nie..nk jadikan kenangan la konon-konon untuk tatapan anak cucu cicit rela korbankan masa nk jln-jln..harap sume nie berbaloi la..demi last assegment sebelum grad..walupon satu je esemen utk last sem nie tapi penangan dye x nk scary plak..sume perasaan aku rasa utk siap kn final year project nie..aduss tension tw..tapi xpe jadi kn nie cabaran sebelum bekerja..

FYP plez be nice to me and all my frends hope all of us can grad on time and will get a better job in future..

Monday 6 April 2015


Baru perasan sudah setahun aku x bukak blog nie..maklumlah buzy je..bzy ke???heehe..sbnarnya mmg xde masa nk update..dri sendiri pom x terjaga..omg..omg..sbb bzy dgn study life..konon-konon study hard la sangat..mmg xla kn..haha..dh setahun lebih aku menyepi dr dunia blog nie..tiba-tiba rasa rindu plk nak update blog yang tah pape nie..

pejam celik pejam celik dh nk habis degry ak..rasa bru je masuk..banya kenangan manis pahit masin sume ada untuk abis kn degry life aku..satu benda yang aku suka sangat masa degry nie..belaeh kenal ramai kwan baru dari negari-negeri laen dr johor,selangor, kl, n9,perlis sume la..dlu time diploma ramai kenalan dr ganu n kelantan je..

Time degry nie jugak la ak suka ronda-ronda gn member2..dorg plk ikot je nk pegi mana..susah senang still bersama selama 2tahun ..kdg2 ad konflik ,masalah, xpuas hati sume dh rasa..tapi tuu sume masam manis dalam berkawan..klo x rasa sume tu x matang..but aku suke dpt byk pengalaman.
ad yang banyak cakap pt pet pot pet je mulut..

best memories ever..

nie moment yang aku paling suka and akan ingat sampai bila2..masa nie lepas last final paper..paper research method..konong2 nk lepak2 ambek gmbar sbb masing2 dh nk balik n last exam utk degry..lps tu dpt surprise birhday celebration dr my sayang2..nie surprise birthday untuk ak gn hani sbb nya time bdy ktorg mesti time cuti sem so x pernah celebrate bdy ktorg same2..before last degry dpt la merasa sambut bdy gn dorg..sayang korg selamanya.

Nie la antara kisah suka duka utk habis kn degry..harap kit sume dpt kerja and sume penat lelah my forever buddyz


counting for viva and holiday

Friday 21 February 2014

A day to remember


Pg2 dh update blog..hehe..tiba2 rajin plak..sbb aku rase nk menulos hri nie..nk jadikan hari yg bertarikh 21/2/14 sbg kenangan terindah dlm hidup aku..semalam umur aku genap 23 tahun 4 hari..syukur masih boleh bnafas dan masih bolehh tgk ciptaan tuhan..
       Yesterday is my precious day coz my fren was make a surprise birthday celebration for not a first time im got a surprised bufday ...but this celebration really precious for me bcoz my old n forever fren make it for me...our frenship is almost 17 year ....they also my hereafter fren nobody can replace them..
      Sengal la dorg nie..time bdy aku mmg dorg xwish pom..touching ak..p bwt diam la kwn baek x wishh..mmg terasa laa..p tsangka plak ad surprise..

Tgah syok2 ak bgambar ad yg dtg serbu bwk tpung..adoiii..nasib baek tpung je..klo tlur..perhhh..ptot la dorg cpt2 lari kt keta ambek kek ..tharu kot..

Nie lah dye org penting..hehe..birthday planner..yini gn epa..sayang morg..smpai hati dop wish bdy ak..hahaa..p skg ok dh..xde dh touching2 nie..kek tu dorg bwt sndiri..sedap gilakk..air tgan kwn lg beshh laa..xpnh pom kwn2 ak smbut bdy bwt sndiri kek..nie mmg ak hargai wehh..hehe

Nie ella n nisahh..kami kembar bulan..hehe..ak buntung ad kwn mcm morg..syg gilerr...




We ar twins in month..ak bru perasan korg pom anak k enam dlm family..hehe..sehati sejiwa nie..

Sesi suap kek kt bdy planner...

Last words that i can describe is fren is like star..even we can't see it everytime but we know it there..frend myb will end..but i will make sure that our frendship never end..mungkin ak ad ramai kwan.dr skolahh rendh..menengah..uni mase dip..and mase dgry dorg sume pom kwn ak..yg ak perlukan stiap masa..tapi aku rase ktorg ak lost contact jugak satubati nati coz masing2 duduk jauhh..p myb kwn ak yg nie ktorg bleh jupa skmo..coz satu kg.n kwn dr kecik lagi..that y i love our frenship..hope it will foreberr...2 org lagi xde..sorg dh msuk uni sorg dh keje..

Thursday 20 February 2014

last day #part time


sedihh plak rasa nk brti keje..tapi ak part time je..nie pom sbb nk isi masa cuti aku..sume pkrja zickzack beshhh...sblom choii dr keje snap pic dlu..hehe..

Nie la antara staff zickzack..2 org lagi xde..cuti..
Tq for 1 month..i will miss all of u..rndu nk gaduhhh gn bdk bju kuning tuu...rndu nk dgr lagu n rndu nk bwt prgai gila2..
tq jugak untuk video perpisahhh tuuu..hahaha

Sunday 16 February 2014

3rd sem punyer citer


Arini kn bru bukak blog stlah sekian arini ak jk update lagi byk..hehe..nk update about my last sem memories..3rd sem is goes very fast..many thing happen happen last sem..whether da sadness and a student we must face all that thing whether with frend..assement and other thing like financal and others that will make we stress but alhamdulilah with them also make me strong to face all the difficulties they are my really appreciate coz allah them to me..

New born 17/2


uhhh..lega sikit dpt buka blog..nampak sgt lame giler x bukak blog sampai password pom lupa..brp kali ak try reset..adoiii.. arini ad mood nk update blog coz arini kn ak bru dilahirkan dimuka bumi nie..first of all im feel so greatful coz im was born in this world..thank to my beloved mom and proud be ur in officially 23rd years old and alhamdulillah YA ALLAH im still breath today and can see your beautiful world....also tq to all my frends who wishh my really appreciate it..even today is my special day but im still working  today actually for part time..hehe..sem break..but it left only one week and this week is my last day of working.. last but not lease im hope for this years is my life more better previous year and i can grab all my wishes and be a good daughter to my parents.for now i'm only think and stuggle for degry ..for sure i'm very excited to finish up my studies and i'm hope we will grad on shaa allah..
year by year im getting older and im fell very old this year coz certain fren was married but i just follow da flow and im believes that the best planner is ALLAH..he know the best for me..ok thats all laarhhh..xlarat dh nk taip..huhu

Nie je mampu..yang real xmampu..huuhuu

Photo of da day..pagi2 nk g keje snap pic dlu..hehe

Monday 1 July 2013

Jalan- Jalan Pusing Johor

Salammm..rindu nye kt blog aku nimm even xde pape yg menarik p ak still syg wehh..lame gler x update sbulan lebihh da..besa la bzy an study..mane xnye project nye byk..test..quiz..mcm-mcm la..sampai la skg xlehh nk rehat lagi..sume settel final exam plak dtg..adoiii..sbor jela..student mmg cm nim kn..skg 3 paper da la 3 wehh yg mnungu..jwb pomm cam ape je..hopefuly sume ok..berdoa n tawakal jela..
sblum final aku enjoy la even skjap je kot..rlease tension before final..hehe..x juah pomm johor bhru je pomm..

first place ktorg pg city times squre..jaln-jaln cuci mata jep..

nie kt danga bay..

Johor Premium Outlet..

tibe-tibe tserempak geng mase koloh menengah..geng lepak..geng bwt hal kt kolohh..p still sucess lm education..tu sume selingan jepp cozz tension duk asrama..kt cni gk jupe kwn lame..tibe2 rundu zman akul, rndu geng dlu..cpt nye masa blalu..mizz u guyss badly..

okehh daa

Gratisan Musik